These anytime offers are for students eager to get started whenever they signup and not wait for facilitated course semesters.
This offer Includes:
- Access to online course and all course materials for this level.
- Downloadable eBook & audio mp3s
- Fun edutaining Videos
- Assessment
- Plus Facebook community support group access
- Recorded weekly lecture / replays
- EFT payments here: [email protected]
- Additional options for one on one or small group Coaching sessions
LEVEL 4 Content:
Noun Group Foundations (8 weeks)
Registration Week: Orientation & Level 3 Recap
- WEEK 1: Lesson: Noun Groups 1-2a
- WEEK 2: Lesson: Noun Groups 3-8
- WEEK 3: Lesson: Noun Groups 9-15
- WEEK 4: Lesson: Noun Groups Summary + Possessive concords + Where
- WEEK 5: Lesson: Locatives, Position Words (+ Possessives)
- WEEK 6: Lesson: Possessives of all groups
- WEEK 7: Lesson: Passive and Copulatives
- WEEK 8: Lesson: Pronouns / There is / isn’t
What previous students say:
"I have been to three Xhosa courses before, but for the first time did I learn how to construct sentences and hey, wena NDITHETHA NGOKU (I talk now!)" - Philip J Oktober, a.k.a. Mzivukile - Chief Executive Officer, Machaira Group (PTY) LTD
“Highly recommended. The lessons are straightforward, well spelled-out, paced correctly and broad enough to cover the basics.” - Linda Codron, Communications Manager at mothers2mothers
“having attempted Xhosa about six years ago, the then teacher being (a first language Xhosa speaker), I found your approach as different as chalk is from cheese - simplified, clear and, above all, enjoyable.”
- Alison Weston, Seardel Grp Trading
Join now - come click with us!
Satisfaction and Refund:
If you are not completely satisfied with this offer, let us know in the first 7 days and we will refund you your money.
Need Help?
Email: [email protected]
or Whatsapp us here: https://wa.me/message/MEX6UNEEF34QB1
We are a very small business so please be patient.